Female Sexual Double Standard

    This double standard shows that woman are biased against when it comes to sexual freedom and certain sexual behaviors as opposed to men that have greater acceptance by society in the same situations. Gentry (1998) found that the types of relationships is a more important variable than gender itself. This contradicts lots of other research on this topic. Participiants of both sexes were asked to judge either a female or male target, with each target being in a different type of relationship and levels of sexual activity. The targets that engaged in relationships with many partners were judged more harshly and with a less positive view than targets that had an average amount of partners or that were monogamous.
    A literature review was done by Fugere et al. (2008) also looking at sexual attitudes and double standards. The variables they looked at were ethnicity and gender. They found that many studies did find a perpetuated sexual double standard against females and that men had more permissive sexual attitudes, but again some studies did show that there was an absence of this as well. As far as ethnicity, they found that African Americans had the most permissive sexual attitudes. White Americans followed behind, then it was Hispanic and Asian Americans. Also culture played an important role in this literature review. Russian and Japanese countries were more likely to perpetuate this sexual double standard against females and follow a more traditional way of life.
    I believe that the contradictory research that shows there is no sexual double standard against females is because we are leaving a more traditional way of life behind. It could also be the sample that was collected in this research had mostly liberal participants which contaminated the data; geographical regions could be a big predictor of liberal views as well.